Saturday, February 6, 2010

"LA X, Parts 1 & 2" - Somebody Pooped in the Tub!

Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's topic. Just fill in the comment box at the end of each blog and let me know what you think! To read more posts and see my entire blog click the Touch 'Em All Productions header at the top of the page!


  1. Let me just say...the new format is totally awesome! Also your thoughts have a lot of possibilities/potential. Only time will tell...

    My only thought and I stole it from someone I really can't take credit for originality here..but could the healing pool presumably been the place where Richard Alpert takes Ben as a child to heal him? Then he becomes crazy and cynical. (credit goes to T-Duck)Could that also be true for Sayid? Just a thought. Keep 'em coming!

  2. What an interesting theory! It would make total sense.

    I have the most questions about is Christian. We have 5 interesting encounters with Christian after the crash.

    First, when jack see's him on the Island and Kate see's her horse. The horse turn's out to be tangible.

    Second, When Christian speaks on Jacob's behalf at the cabin and tell's locke to move the island. Could this be a manfistation of MIB or Jacob?

    Third when he appears to locke bellow the orchid. Locke tells Christian that Richard told him he was going to die, which we later find is a scheme of flocke. Christian does not seem surprised or worried, which makes me wonder if either that particular instance he's the MIB or where he's allegiances truly are.

    Forth, when he appears to Jack off the island and starts the chain reaction that gets them all back to the island. We know Jacob can go off the island, so perhaps so can Christian, or is Jacob just appearing as Christian.

    Fifth was some little clip between seasons ( where Christian told Vincent the dog to go wake Jack up. So, If Jacob and the others did steal Christian's body and put it in the healing water, then timing would of had to been unthinkably fast.

    One fleeting thought I had was that maybe MIB and Jacob can both manifest themselves into different forms and they both use Christian's image to send manipulative messages in their battle of dark vs. light.

    I love the blog!

  3. Check out an amendment or addition to this theory on my most recent post!
