Thursday, June 18, 2009

LOST - Embarking on a New Adventure

Embarking on a New Adventure:
It's been a while now since season 5 of LOST ended and I'm suffering through withdrawal right now! But I think that I have found a solution. Since I didn't really reach LOST "nerd status" until the summer between seasons 4 and 5 I'm going to do a little back tracking. Starting with the Pilot episodes I'm going to go back through and watch the entire series. Knowing what we know now I'm sure there will be some things that will make a little more sense and maybe some things that will help us answer the questions that we are still pondering. If you have yet to discover the goodness that is LOST, I would wholeheartedly encourage you to do so! has all of the episodes on their website and you can watch along with us!

Well here goes nothing, wish me luck!

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