Sunday, May 3, 2009

LOST - Daniel Faraday's "Theory of Relativistic Physics"

Background Information
In one of previous posts I mentioned a theory that I stumbled across concerning the names of the characters on the show. The producers have told us that a lot of thought went into the specific names for each of the characters. So far we there has been nothing that holds a whole lot of significance regarding the names, so something has to be coming in the future. In this post I talked about an idea that someone in one of the message boards I frequent had mentioned that most of the names on the show can be split into two different groups, Deists and Christians (You can CLICK HERE to view my previous post containing this list and more information on the two sides). With the introduction of Bran and Ilana this season we have been reminded that there is a war coming to the island and it seems to be looming in the near future. With this in mind I decided to go back and do a little research regarding these two sides of Deists and Christians.

(n) The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation. (NOTE - A deist, as denying a revelation, is opposed to a Christian).
This list that I refer to compares the names of people on the show and real life well known Deists. These are a few of the characters that would fall on this side of the battle. John Locke, Kate Austen, Hugo Reyes, James "Sawyer" Ford, Walt Lloyd, Danielle Rousseau, Ethan, Charles Widmore, Desmond Hume, Richard Alpert, Charlie Pace.

CHRISTIAN - (n) a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity. Here is a list of people that would fall on this team. Jack Shephard, Christian Shephard, Aaron Littleton, Claire Littleton, Benjamin Linus, Jacob, Abbadon, Charlotte Lewis, Daniel Faraday, Michael Dawson.

Looking at these teams there were two things that stuck out to me as a little strange. First off, how could the crash surviving Losties turn on each other? It would be tough for me to see Hugo and Hack fighting on two different sides. Secondly, a handful of these characters are dead and out of the picture, so how could they have any significance? This brings us to Daniel Faraday's Theory of Relativistic Physics.

Daniel Faraday's "Theory of Relativistic Physics"
In our last episode, episode 5.14 The Variable, we came to a point where Jack, Kate, and Daniel were heading into the jungle to find the Others and Daniel spilled his guts and unfurled his master plan for saving the Losties and getting them back to present time. Daniel said that he had studied Relativistic Physics his entire life and that he thought that if he could find the H-bomb that he helped the Others bury years before, he could detonate it near the Swan station, negate the electromagnetic activity that is happening under the station and prevent "the incident" from ever happening. The Theory of Relativity, or Daniel's Relativistic Physics, basically states that by changing something along the line, future occurrences will then be changed or affected by the initial variation on the path. In the realm of LOST this means that by preventing "the incident" from happening, Daniel thinks that he will then be able to prevent Oceanic flight 815 from crashing on the island in 2004 (since the hatch would never have been built) and also prevent the freighter from ever being sent to the island by Charles Widmore. Sending all the Losties and everyone on the island on a different path for the future. Following this line of reasoning, this could mean that other events post September 22, 2004 (LOST time) could have changed as well. Most importantly it could reverse the deaths of Charlie, Ethan, Abbadon, Nikki, Paulo, Boone, Shannon, Alex, Rousseau, Keamy, Goodwin, Michael, Libby, Ana Lucia, and Mr. Eko. If this turns out to be the case it would warrant the possibility that the two sides of the battle listed above, could find themselves fully intact again! So maybe "Dead Isn't Dead" after all! If this crazy theory turns out to be true we could find ourselves with a season 6 "War" with the likes of Charlie Pace, Ethan, and John Locke facing off against Christian Shephard, Jacob, and Charlotte!

"Theory of Relativistic Physics For Dummies"
If the above paragraph did not make any sense for you I've dumbed it down a little bit to highlight the important ideas. Basically, if Daniel, or now that he has died Kate and Jack, succeed in getting the bomb to blow up the Swan construction site, they would fully avoid "the incident," the crash of Oceanic flight 815, and the Freighter from ever being sent to the island. Reversing many things that we have seen thus far on the show. Season six could be riddled with a war between characters which could include the previously deceased characters! (Charlie, Rousseau, Ethan, etc.)

So what do you think?

I know that this theory is a little "out there," but it makes enough sense to be considered. Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's topic/theory. Just fill in the comment box at the end of each blog and let me know what you think! To read more posts and see my entire blog click the Touch 'Em All Productions header at the top of the page!


  1. hummm--
    so this is a convincing case for the names. However, the only counterpoint I might have is that often these characters from the respective sides were also fighting amongst themselves. Among other times, we saw in Season 4 Hugh fake out Sawyer and Kate with a "they left me behind" routine in the Other's island suburbia only to have Locke capture and hold them at gun point.

    My main thoughts about the show is that the survivors are caught in a civil war between Benjamin Linus and Charles Widemore. That's the main jist of my theory and there is plenty of evidence to support it. Where the mysteries lie in my theory is how Alpert, Jacob and now this new "third" party play into things. I think you were on the money that Season 6 might end up being a "war" season. Also, I think Juliet (or someone else like -pure speculation- Frank Lipidus) still has a role to play in this "war", mainly that she might be a sleeper for this new third party. If you ever saw Alias, JJ Abrams pulled something like this towards the end of the series when a main character switched sides. There's plenty of mysteries left with Jack's father, the unidentified flying bird in Season Three that shouted Hurley's name, what happened to the Dharma folks in Ann Arbor (this new third party perhaps), how will this Kate/Jack/Sawyer/Juliet love triangle play out, and the list goes on.

    My main question though, where is Rose and Bernard!?

  2. I love this show so much! You and I can have two totally different theories and there's no way that we can rule either of them out. Shear genius I tell you!
