Thursday, May 14, 2009

LOST Season 5 Finale

Lost Season 5 Finale - Thoughts and Theories

So maybe I am a huge nerd...and maybe I did spend my hour leading up to the finale last night bouncing theories back and forth with friends around the dinner table...and maybe I did avoid my blog completely yesterday so that my 100th blog post would be about my favorite subject (LOST)...I don't see a problem with any of that! Last night was the season finale of LOST version 5.0, and it fully lived up to expectations! With my buddies Graham, Pappy, and Dan in hand, we embarked on this venture and in complete unison we sat there shocked, confused, and saddened. In true LOST fashion, the shows producers chose not to focus their attention on answering all of our past questions and instead open the door to many more questions and much more speculation. Along with these new tidbits there were some very interesting things that went down during last night's three hour LOST event.

Rose and Bernard
Rose and Bernard made their triumphant return last night and have seemed to fully embrace the overall mantra that was the 1970's. When Juliet, Sawyer and Kate returned to the island after temporarily hijacking the submarine, the only character that we have been promised will never die, Vincent, ran out of the woods and onto the beach. Shortly after that Rose emerged from the jungle with an empty leash. A rather plump and bearded Bernard then follows her to the beach where they declare, "They found us." Rose and Bernard announce that they have been retired and chilling in their own little hide away living in peace. I'm not entirely sure how but they have learned somehow that they are back in 1977. They've completely checked out and claim that "They just want to be together. That's all that matters in the end." This new mindset that Rose and Bernard seem to be under lends to the idea that the Adam and Eve that we saw back in season one (episode 1.06, House of the Rising Sun). If you recall accompanying Adam and Eve in the cave were a black rock and a white rock, maybe representing the color of their skin or maybe representing some sort of good and evil. Either way is Rose and Bernard are indeed Adam and Eve, then they have received their wish of being together.

No Mas Juliet
I think that it was inevitable that we were going to lose one of the main characters in the show, but I was really kind of sad that it had to be Juliet. The Sawyer/Juliet relationship was really growing on me this year and Juliet was finally becoming one of the truly pivitol characters, then she died. I guess that she did go out in flaming glory, no pun intended, but it still leaves you feeling unfulfilled. I guess that you never know in this show if a character will come back or not, but more and more with furthering developments in the show I am starting to find truth in the title of episode 5.12, Dead is Dead. So long Juliet, say hi to Daniel Faraday for me!

What Lies in the Shadow of The Statue?
For a few weeks now we have been bugged with this question which acts as some sort of code word for Brahm and Ilana's group of people. We finally got some vindication to this statement, unfortunately it was in a different language. It only makes sense that the statement, which Richard Alpert answered, was said in Latin since all of the Others seem to speak Latin. Early translations of the statement have it as meaning "He who will save us all." Richard confidently utters these words and a look of relief sweeps over Ilana who then introduces herself as if they are on the same side.

We also got a better view of what the statue looked like last night. It was still not a full frontal view so the likeness of the statue is still up for speculation. We did see that the statue has a large long snout. The newest likeness thrown into the pot is Sobek. Sobek is the Egyptian crocodile God. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense because we have not seen or heard anything regarding crocodiles on the island. My bet is still with the statue being that of Tawaret, the goddess of fertility. The one flaw here is that the statue appears to be more masculine that the full figured representation of Tawaret.

Five seasons in the making Jacob finally made his on screen debut, only to be murdered by Ben Linus a mere two hours later. We spent 2 hours learning more about Jacob and seeing how he has intertwined his existence into the life of each of our Losties, but didn't really learn anything concrete about who he is and what his purpose is. When we first saw Jacob he was looming an Egyptian styled blanket deep within some sort of room, lit only by torchlight. We next see him back in the 1800's sitting on a beach when a figure known only as "Jacob's Enemy" rolls in and sits down. They have a little conversation about the boat that is just off the island, thought to be the Black Rock, and Jacob's enemy says "Do You have any idea how badly I want to kill you!" He then mentions that he will find a loophole that will allow him to do so. Jacob's enemy then walks away. We then see a smattering of events where we see Jacob, who also apparently does not age, as he visits our Losties at different key stages in their life. The key visit here was when we learned that Jacob met Hurley as he was discharged from jail and that he was the one who told Hurley that he needed to get on Ajira flight 316 and head back to the island. He also gave Hurley the guitar case. The next time we see Jacob is at the end when Locke and Ben are headed into the foot of the statue with the intent of killing Jacob. Ultimately Ben kills Jacob, and just as quickly as he came into the show, he leaves us for good...or does he?

There have been some really juicy theories thrown out there and discussed, one big one should grace this blog with it's presence later tonight or early tomorrow.

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