Tuesday, February 9, 2010

5 Burning Questions - February 9th, 2010


  1. I never noticed in last week's episode that Sun & Jin weren't married ... I think I just assumed that they were.

    All of these are great questions that I as well have been thinking about. I am really hoping that they answer all of them within this season and don't leave us questioning, but then again, it's LOST, when do they not leave us questioning?

  2. I guess the only thing that I'm really thinking you may have gone too deep on is your first question as I think that some of the things that you are questioning as having changed, I'm not sure really have. Such as Sawyer, I guess I don't see him as really being "nice" in the new airport scene in the new timeline. He has displayed that in times where he is interacting with women, he possesses the ability to act the way he does. And the biggest interaction of niceness we see is what he does for Kate, but I don't think this is any different than he would act if it was the original 2004 episode in this situation. My guess is that he still carries the same baggage. I am also not convinced that Sun and Jin are not married. Yes she is not wearing a ring, but the heading on the paper brought out of the bag says "Paik" at the top, so there is no reason the female cop couldn't be inferring her name from the top of the paper, either that or she never changed her name, I don't know.
    So basically, ticky-tack things from me that I'm not sure about. Well, we'll find out more tonight!


  3. So my biggest thoughts sit with the other Others or as I call them the Others². I mean we know that there really has been two distinct groups of others. Did we really think the old Dharma folk wondered around the jungle in barefeet, whispering and kidnapping people?

    At the core, there is a really complicated triangle here between the Others², the Others and the Smoke Monster. We know that Benjamin Linus summoned the Monster to kill the special forces squad led by Captain Kimi that Charles Widemore sent. Yet this doesn't necessarily mean that they are friends. I thought that the comment dropped by the cranky guard of Kate and Jin (then killed by Claire) was interesting. He asked Kate if she remembered knocking him out with a rifle butt when they jailbroke Karl out from the rehab screen/chamber/crazy area. Was he a spy from the Others² within the Others? Are the Others² and the Others sharing personnel or are they the same group? Are the Others a waiting area for people to become full Others²? Also, is Richard Alpert and his group of people (i.e. the Island's "Original Inhabitants") part of the Others² or their own group of people? My theory is that Richard Alpert is from the Black Rock (references to chains among other things) and probably distinct from the Others².

    Further complicating is the fact that Linus would get the lists of people that needed to be kidnapped from Jacob. What role did the Others² play in this? We know some of the kidnapped people ended up with them (the flight attendant, Zach & Emma- interesting sidenote, a Dharma person asked Ben about what to say when Zach and Emma wanted their Mom in Season 3 or 4, Ben said they'd stop asking sooner or later). Also the Others² people REALLY don't like the smoke monster and had the ash set up to stop it. The Others/Dharma simply had the all-in-one Hostiles/Smoke Monster/Survivor sonic fence set up.

    Also, I think this "sickness" should be of note as well. We know the hatch was marked "quarantine" and Desmond wore protective gear when he ventured out. Is Sayid's sickness the same thing the Dharma folk were trying to stop? Same with Roseau?

    Speaking of Roseau, her ship partners ventured down the same hole (where they got "sick") in the temple that Kate and Jack and crew went through. Roseau's people were being dragged down the hole there by the smoke monster yet it seems that it is also the only way to the temple where the survivors are currently. Temple people don't like smoke monster yet smoke monster lives in the entrance to the temple?Could there be TWO smoke monsters?

    More questions are being brought up than being answered...
