Sunday, February 7, 2010

'Who Is This Man' - LOST


  1. TDuck, I think this is kind of what you were saying. I'm not sure if Christian's body being lost in the alternate timeline has anything to do with this, but there must be a reason that his coffing and Locke's knives are missing...guess we'll see!

  2. With MIB and Jacob potentially inhabiting other people's bodies or other people's likenesses, will we run into a point where we see Jacob reincarnate Locke's dead body and see Flocke faceoff against Locke?

    That could be interesting

  3. This is a great theory! I love how you and Abby were thinking about this! I think that this is a definite possibility for "Jacob's" body ... we really don't know who he is, or where he came from. I hope they give an episode devoted to telling this ...
