Wednesday, April 22, 2009

American Idol 2009 Top 7 Show Reaction - Take 2

American Idol 4/21/2009

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Disco Week! To be completely honest it was kind of a downer. Not one of the contestants really performed a "disco-ish" song. They all picked songs by disco artists that could have easily crossed over into the R&B or pop charts of the time. Anoop was the only one who dressed semi-disco. It was sort of a clean cut, skater, preppy look and it worked pretty well for him! Remember since the judges used their save last week on Matt Giraud, there are two people going home tonight. The pressure surely mounted for some, while others rose to the occasion.

Lil Rounds - I'm Every Woman by Chaka Khan
Lil had the unfortunate draw of kicking off disco week. She caught me a bit off guard and I personally thought that she did pretty well. The song fit her voice nicely and she performed it with a higher level of energy than we are used to seeing from her. However the judges must have seen things differently. None of the judges seemed to like Lil's performance and Simon absolutely tore her to shreds. He flat out told her that she was going home tonight and kept referring to her "poor performance" while critiquing the other acts throughout the night. It was kind of funny seeing Lil's mother get that look of rage as Simon was ripping on her daughter. I seriously thought that she may walk over there and smack him upside the head. Lil then proceeded to do something that really has bugged me more this year than any year before. She rattled off a bunch of excuses and claimed that she "had fun" and that's all that matters. It really irritates me when the contestants are riddled with excuses after their judges critique goes poorly. Sadly for Lil, I agree with Simon. It was too little too late and Lil will be sent home tonight.

Kris Allen - She Works Hard for the Money by Donna Summer
This was one of those songs in which the contestant was taking a huge risk by modifying it up and making it their own. Kris decided to bring back the guitar this week and it really highlighted how much he shines when he is performing and playing his guitar. He looks like he feels much more comfortable and overall puts on a better show. Kris did great this week and will be safe this week but he continues to be fairly forgettable and this could come back to hurt him when we get down to the later rounds. Kris should easily find his way to next week's top 5.

Danny Gokey - September by Earth, Wind, and Fire
It's starting to become a little ridiculous. Danny Gokey walks out onto that stage every week and doesn't even look like he's trying! Yet every week he continues to blow away the competition. Randy made a comment that it made him nervous when Danny picked this song because there weren't many spots for him to showcase his range. But somehow, someway Danny was able to show the world his incredible range and pitch even with this tough song. Danny is in cruise control and has no worries about being included in the top 5.

Allison Iraheta - Hot Stuff by Donna Summer
It continues to confuse me how Allison continues to get a large amount of votes? I'm going to open a vein here, but she's cocky, has a funny voice, no personality, and has the weirdest sense of style I've ever seen. I agree with people that she is the only hope that the girls have had the entire way, but that's not saying a whole lot. I didn't like her rendition of this song and haven't cared for her performances all season long. Allison should be safe this week, but next week she should start feeling nervous!

Adam Lambert - If I Can't Have You by Yvonne Elliman
Yuck, yuck, yuck! I don't hate Adam Lambert's performances every week, but this week was flat out awful. Adam rolled out clean cut and in a suit again, but then proceeded to do the stupid screeching thing the entire song! There is a clear distinction in Adam's vocal range. You have the comfortable notes that are easy for him to hit, the higher notes that he has to strain a little for, and then the super high notes that he doesn't have any business attempting so he screeches instead. It hurt my ears last night. Adam is a showman and the only reason he's still in this competition is because the judges cannot hear Adam's real voice because all the little girls in the front row are screaming too loudly. Adam will be safe again but mark my words HE WILL NOT WIN THIS COMPETITION, I'll explain more later.

Matt Giraud - Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees
I honestly cannot remember this performance very well. Maybe I fell asleep, maybe it was just that forgettable? I'm really not sure. Either way, the judges ultimately wasted their save on Matt last week because he will be joining the rest of us who watch from home next week.

Anoop Desai - Dim All the Lights by Donna Summer
Well we know that the contestants know who Donna Summer is don't we? 3 of the 7 performed Donna Summer pieces. Anoop was rocking his new look tonight and the performance was above average. It was weird because I felt like this song only had about five or six words in the entire thing. I'm not sure if this was just Anoop's rendition or the original song. Either way it seemed really easy and I think that that may hurt Anoop. He should find himself on those uncomfortable stools again tonight and with 2 of the bottom 3 going home there may be more need to be nervous for the Desai camp.

Overall Predictions: after the 04/21/2009 performance show
Last week I went 100% but the judges laid their save down and screwed it all up! I'm stuck between picking Matt and Anoop as the second person to go home this week. I think it will be Matt and Lil, with Anoop soon to follow (next week).
  1. Danny Gokey
  2. Kris Allen
  3. Adam Lambert
  4. Allison Iraheta
  5. Anoop Desai
  6. Matt Giraud
  7. Lil Rounds
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