Sunday, April 5, 2009

LOST Theories - "The Island's" Agenda

LOST Theories - "The Island's" Agenda

It's been a while since my last theory post on here so I'll do my best to make up for the absence this week. I am formulating a theory on what the deal is with Smokey. Should have that ready sometime this week.

"The Island's" Agenda
As I mentioned in my What Happened, Happened - Recap post that it seems as if things on the island are running by the "Island's agenda." Here is what I mean by that. Because Farrady went rogue on the world and Hurley and Miles didn't help us much, we are still pretty confused as to what can and cannot happen with all this time travel stuff. The title What Happened, Happened should have seemingly shed some light on this issue. I think a lot of us went into the episode assuming that Farraday's statement, whatever happened happened, meant that if one of our characters were to die in 1977 they would cease to exist in the future (like Charlotte did), but I think that we read into that incorrectly. I think that whatever happend was referring to whatever has already happened on the show or whatever happened in the year 2004 (prior to time traveling) has to happen.

Hopefully you are still with me here. Let's think of the things that have already happened on the island in 2004 (Oceanic flight 815 crashing, Locke finding the hatch, Ben being leader of "The Others," etc), let's refer to those as CONCRETE TRUTHS, or things that HAVE to happen. Ok so after all of the time travel escapades Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, and Jin ended up stuck in 1977. Ultimately this messed up the timeline that our CONCRETE TRUTHS set into motion. Now since these were CONCRETE TRUTHS, "the island" has to do whatever it took to get this timeline back in order by the time that 2004 came around. This could be an explanation as to why Hurley, Jack, Kate, and Sayid were sent back to 1977 while Sun, Frank, Locke, and Ben were sent back to 2007 (present time).

There were four of the Oceanic 6 that were sent back to 1977 (Hurley, Jack, Kate, and Sayid). These four were specifically picked by "the island"to go back while the other four former Losties were not. "The island" picked these four because they all served a purpose, a purpose that would help the timeline get back in tact. Quick recap, Sawyer and his gang messed up the timeline by getting stuck in '77 and Jack and his gang are setting in motion to get things back in order. As mentioned above each of these four have their own purpose for coming back, it's not necesarrily their purpose but a purpose set in motion by "the island." Here are my ideas for what these purposes may be.

Sayid's Purpose
In He's Our You, Sayid told Sawyer that "he knew why he was back." He thought that his purpose was to kill young Ben Linus because old Ben Linus basically ruined his life. "The island's" actual purpose was to get Ben Linus delivered to the others and turn him into the heartless jerk that he is today. We just saw Ben delivered to "the Others" and taken into the "Temple." To heal young Ben I think that Richard is going to take him to Smokey and Smokey will turn him into a heartless "pod" that does all the islands beckoning. Sayid's purpose was to get young Ben turned into the Ben that we saw in 2004.

Kate's Purpose
Kate reasoning for returning to the island was to find Claire. But she did not desire to go back to 1977. I think that Kate's purpose has something to do with the island's women inhabitants losing the ability to bear children. Remember we saw baby Ethan born in 1977 so the women are still able to have babies at this point. Since Kate's recent story has had so much to do with her love for children and her goal is to find Claire, I think that we will see her purpose having something to do with the women's loss of the ability to have children on the island.

Hurley's Purpose
We don't yet know why Hurley showed up on Ajira 316 and what made him decide to return to the island. But we did see him carrying a guitar case on the plane and clinging to it in the lagoon. I think that "the island's" purpose for bringing Hurley back to 1977 has something to do with the contents of the guitar case. There is something in there that is probably not just a guitar that will set something in motion to fix the timeline. We haven't really been given anything to hypothesize his purpose by on a long shot I think that Hurley will have something to do with either the construction or purpose of the Looking Glass, the underwater Dharma station where Charlie died.

Jack's Purpose
Jack's purpose for returning to 1977 is the toughest one yet. We have really been given any clues as to why he came back. The only thing we know is that he is no longer a man of science and is now a man of faith. Hopefully in the next few episodes we figure out why Jack returned.

In conclusion, Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid were brought back to 1977 according to "the island's" agenda in order to restore the CONCRETE TRUTHS and the timeline that we have already seen throughout the course of the show. I hope that I haven't confused you too much! Please let me know what you think about this theory.

Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's topic. Just click the comment button at the end of each blog and let me know what you think!

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