Friday, April 17, 2009

LOST 013 | Some Like It Hoth - Analysis and Theories

LOST 013 | Some Like It Hoth - Analysis and Theories

We've officially had some time to soak in last weeks episode and I've had some time to analyze and poke around the web there are some interesting things that went down in this episode. Like I said, I was pleasantly surprised with Some Like It Hoth. It was way better than the more recent character focused episodes. Unfortunately it was a set up episode that will leave longer for more for the next two weeks! But like I said this episode rocked and here are 10 reasons why it was way better than Sayid's character focused episode (episode 5.11, He's Our You)...

  1. We Confirmed that the Swan was indeed built within the Others territory. But why?
  2. We got to learn more about Miles' special gift. About 2 seasons overdue.
  3. We finally found out why Miles asked Ben for $3.2 million specifically.
  4. We got to see Widmore's freighter squad begin to assemble, also that Naomi was the head of that operation.
  5. We confirmed all of our suspicions that Miles was Pierre Chang's that was born in episode 5.01 Because You Left.
  6. We finally saw somebody run into the old them during time travel. Current Miles saw baby Miles.
  7. We find out that somehow Daniel got off the island and figured out a way to get back on.
  8. We were introduced to what could be a completely new party that has some sort of vested interest in the island.
  9. And for the second week in a row we were left pondering the question, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?"
  10. And we received another nominee for best quote of season 5 from Hurley, "Another death star was destroyed, Boba Fett got eaten by the Sarlacc, and we got the Ewoks. It all could have been avoided if they just, you know communicated. And let's face it, Ewoks suck dude!"
As in every episode of LOST there were also some pretty interesting new story lines and questions that were opened up. Kicking us off this week we saw another subtle clue towards the heavy ancient Egyptian culture on the island. When Jack was cleaning the classroom for Roger he was erasing the chalkboard panel by panel. As the screenshot to the left shows, before Jack could get it all erased we can see that the teacher must have been teaching the class about ancient Egypt. We can see that the class was maybe learning how to read the hieroglyphics on the far left of the board and were learning about the ancient Egyptian time periods as well. I guess while teaching history the teacher decided include the history of the island in the lesson.

We got a heavy dose of the secret mission and secret plans that included the building of the Swan station this episode. It's interesting that it was being built in grid 334, which Miles so eloquently pointed out was in the Hostiles Territory. Radzinsky's rationale with Sayid seeing the plans for the Swan do not seem so crazy now that we know they are building it where they are not supposed to. They also built the entire thing underground so that once it was built the hostiles would never find out. They must be building it at that exact location for some specific reason? I think it's a little weird how they can be driving vans and operating heavy machinery on the hostiles turf and none of the hostiles have heard any noise? I realize that they do not have the technology and man power that the Dharma Initiative does, but it's not like the D.I. was being quiet while they were operating the bulldozers. This further justifies the thinking that the Swan was originally built for something that was really important, or at least more important that pushing a button every 108 minutes.

The whole dynamic between the story that Miles' mother is telling him about his father and what Miles is beginning to see as truth on the island is a little weird. It seems as if Miles' mom was lying about Pierre kicking them out when Miles was a baby. I wonder what Miles' mom is hiding about their relationship with Pierre Chang? Another interesting thing was that it looked like Miles' mom was losing her hair while she was laying their on her death bed. I wonder if there is any possibility that whatever disease she is dying from could have anything to do with radiation exposure from jughead, the H-bomb that is buried somewhere on the island? I realize that should could have cancer and would be exposed to radiation through the chemo but it is an interesting thought to ponder.

Finally, one of the biggest points of intrigue is this new group that we saw on the Island last week. To end Dead is Dead we saw Frank return to the beach to see that Ilana and some guy had found guns and took control. When Frank approached them Ilana asked him "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" and then knocked him out. This week we saw Miles get hoisted by a group of masked men in a van. We were then introduced to Bram who was also the lackey that Ilana had by her side when she knocked out Frank. Bram tried to convince Miles not to return to the island because he was batting for the wrong team, Widmore's team. Who is this mysterious group that has all of the sudden popped on the radar? Well we know they are not to fond of Widmore so that leaves us with limited options. Popular Internet theories are pointing towards Bram working for Ben Linus or the Dharma Initiative. My gut feeling is that Bram and his gang are being in kahootz with the Dharma Initiative. After they poured millions of dollars into the research they were doing on the island, their entire staff was mysteriously killed off in one fowl swoop. I would be pissed too. Also what does lie in the shadow of the statue? Is it possible that this is some sort of password or code to let these rogue people know they are on the same team? Or does something significant actually lie in the shadow of the statue? Could it be Jughead? Could it be Jacob's buried body? Could the temple and the smoke monster lie in the shadow of the statue? I hope we find out soon!

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