After a disappointing episodes last week LOST came back strong this week and seems to be setting things up for next weeks episode which looks AWESOME!
Off The Island The show actually begins on the island but we will save that more interesting piece for the end. We finally find out what Kate did with Aaron and why she did so in this episode. We also find out what Sawyer whispered to Kate before he jumped from the chopper in the end of season 4. It was something along the lines of "take care of my kid." Not sure exactly how it happens but Kate is able to hunt down Cassidy (Sawyers baby mama) and we finally see Sawyer's daughter Clementine (pictured to the left). Kate sits down with Cassidy and sort of lets the cat out of the bag regarding the Oceanic 6 lying about what happened on the island. This was sort of weird since it was such a big secret but we're led to believe that Kate spilled the beans to let Cassidy know that Sawyer was actually still alive. Somewhere along the line Kate and Cassidy become BFFs and Cassidy finds out that Aaron is not really Kate's son. She tells Kate that she is holding on to Aaron for her own selfish reasons and needs to give him back. Kate and Cassidy part and we next see Kate and Aaron in the grocery store because Aaron is thirsty. The are walking around the store looking for juice boxes when Kate stopped to ask the stock boy where the juice boxes were. When she turns around Aaron is gone...Kate freaks out and runs around the store yelling and looking for "her son." When she finally finds him, he is walking towards the exit with a women who looks eerily similar to Claire (see screen cap on left). Kate's heart drops as she sprints towards them grabbing Aaron's hand. Turns out the women was helping Aaron find his "mommy" and just so happened to look like Claire. But this really got to Kate. She decides that she is going to give Aaron to his grandmother Claire's mother who we last saw in LA when she was suing Oceanic Airlines. Well apparently she is still in LA and still living in a hotel which is kind of weird, but we'll run with it. Kate fesses up and tells her that Aaron is really Claire's son, Grandma is confused but ecstatic and then Kate spills the beans again and tells Claire's mom that Claire is still alive and Kate is going to go back to the island to find her (remember this). This is pretty much the end of the off island story.
On The Island Back on the island we picked up where we left off last week with little Ben being shot by Sayid. However this time the situation is a little different this time around. When we saw Ben get shot last week by Sayid, the gunshot wound was on the left side of Ben's chest seemingly right through his heart. This time, as you can see in the screen cap to the left, the wound is clearly on the right side of his chest and apparently less lethal. This brings up a new theory that some people are running with. It is thought that there the island may be playing mind tricks on the Losties. In Sayid's mind he shot Ben through the heart and killed him, but that wasn't why the island brought him back. Through Sayid's perception of reality he shot Ben right through the heart and killed him, but in actuality he did not. He just thought he did. The theory behind this is that the island is playing mind tricks on Sayid so that the "island's agenda" can come to fruition (more on the "island's agenda" in future post). Back to the story, Jin comes to and quickly gets young Ben back to Dharmaville where Juliet immediate begins an attempt to save his life. The actual doctor is out of town and young Ben needs surgery to stop the bleeding. Juliet sends Sawyer off to get Jack so that he can help stop the bleeding. As Sawyer is running off to get Jack the scene cuts to a Dharma house where Kate, Hurley, and Jack are being held by Miles under house arrest. We see a hilarious scene between Hurley and Miles regarding the laws and rules behind the time travel. Hurley is staring at his hand (left) making sure that he doesn't start to disappear like Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future. Miles calls him a doofus and the two begins bantering back and forth about what can and can't happen under the laws of time travel (they were basically reflecting all the confusion that we fans are experiencing as well!). Hurley ends up putting Miles in a box and the conversation ends with nobody shedding any more light than we already had on the properties of time travel. Sawyer arrives and asks Jack to come and help Juliet but Jack refuses and says that he already saved Ben once and he's not going to do it again. Jack goes on to get reamed by Kate and Juliet and now both of his previous love interests don't want anything to do with him. Kate and Juliet realize that without Jack's help there is nothing they can do to save little Ben. They decide that the only option they have is to take Ben to "The Others" and see if they can save him. Sawyer eventually catches up to Kate and to every one's surprise ends up helping her deliver Ben to "The Others." They get busted by some of Richard Alpert's stooges and the deliver to two and dying boy to Alpert. Richard all of the sudden comes out of the woods which caught Sawyer by surprise (makes me think there is something mysterious about Richard and how he knew exactly where to find them). Sawyer and Kate explain the situation and Richard agrees to take the boy, but gives them this disclaimer. "If I take him, he'll never be the same again...he'll forget this ever happened and that his innocence will be gone. He will always be one of us." Confused, Sawyer and Kate look at each other and realize that this is their only option. They hand Ben over to Richard and one of Richard's lackeys steps up and reminds him that he shouldn't do this without checking with Elly and Charles (Hawking and Widmore). Richard blows him off and says "I don't answer to them" and walks off with the boy into the jungle. Next we see him he comes into a clearing in the jungle and we see the "Temple", but this time it is fully in tact and in one piece (screen cap on left). Richard hesitates and then walks into the "Temple." At this point the scene cuts to 2007 Ben who awakes from his unconscious slumber to find John Locke staring him down. John looks at him and says, "Hello Ben. Welcome back to the land of the living." The End...
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