Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baseball Season Is Back

In honor of the MN Twins being back in action this week, a friend of mine posted a video on facebook that brings back grand memories.

Dateline: 4/2/2007 - MN Twins vs. BAL Orioles
We are on a triple date with our friends at the home opener for the MN Twins 2007. The game is going well, the Twins are winning, and the people around us are enjoying their adult beverages, too much it seems. The guys behind us begin throwing rubbish down towards the people in front of us. A plastic bottle is thrown and almost hits a little girl in the head. Some random guy stands up and scolds the drunk gentlemen for throwing things. As he is standing drunk individual #1 throws a full beer at innocent bystander. Innocent bystander flips and tears up the stands through our group of friends and a fight ensues. Drunk guys buddies start fighting bystanders buddies and the place went crazy. People were watching from across the Dome, the left fielder had stopped paying attention to the game and was looking up at us in the stands. Someone from across the dome caught the action on tape. Watch the video below to see what we experienced up close and personal...

We attended the Home opener this year and almost wished that there was this level of excitement during our game. The Twins fell 6-1 to the Seattle Mariners but each opening day from 2007 on will spark the memories of the infamous Upper GA fight of 2007.

1 comment:

  1. ahh yes...leave it to the fans to create excitement when the game is lacking.

    bummer about the opening this year, though :(
