Saturday, April 25, 2009

LOST's - Season 5's Biggest Questions

LOST - Unanswered Questions from Season 5

There are only three weeks left in Season 5 of LOST! Disappointing, exciting, you be the judge. Heading into what will surely be some heavy and very entertaining episode's I wanted to highlight the top 5 biggest questions that remain unanswered regarding this season of LOST.

1.) Where are Rose and Bernard?
Rose and Bernard have been "missing" ever since episode 5.01, Because You Left. They were last seen when the island began skipping and the Losties were attacked by flaming arrows back in the year 1954. Many have speculated that the husband and wife duo were killed during the flaming arrow attack but in one of the Official LOST Podcasts the producers told us that it was safe to assume that most people died in the attack, but that Rose and Bernard were not dead and would make a return at some point. So where have they been for the past 12 episodes?

Based off of the little bit that we do know about the laws of time traveling, it's safe to say that even though they were separated from the rest of the gang they continued time traveling (much like Jin did before he was found by Rousseau and her team). So they should be somewhere in he year 1977. Most speculation includes them jumping on board with the Others or being held captive by the Others. My on a limb prediction takes Rose and Bernard back to 1954. For some reason they did not continue skipping through time with the rest and holed up in the caves near the stream. Back in episode 1.06, House Of The Rising Sun, Jack, Locke, and Charlie discovered two bodies in the caves which John Locke deemed Adam and Eve. While examining the bodies Jack made a comment that it would take at least 50 years for bodies and clothing to decompose to this level. Ironic that 1954 is exactly 50 years prior to 2004 when this all took place. Along with the bodies they also found a black stone and a white stone. This is obviously significant because Bernard is Caucasian and Rose African American, but also significant because we have seen Rose and Bernard deal with these types of stones before (Bernard tried to organize a group to spell "help" in the sand).

2.) How did Hurley find his way onto the Ajira 316 flight and ultimately back on the island?
In episode 5.02, The Lie, we witnessed one of the funniest scenes from LOST when Ben Linus snuck up on Hurley and Hurley chucked his Hot Pocket at the wall. Ben tried to convince Hurley to return to the island with him. Hurley ran away and turned himself in to police. We know that Ben had a lawyer that was working on getting Hurley out of jail, but seemingly this had nothing to do with getting Hurley onto the Ajira flight 316. We don't even know how he found out about the flight, he just all of the sudden appeared. Oh and what does he have inside that guitar case?

3.) Where has Daniel Faraday been this whole time?
Prior to the last episode (episode 5.12, Some Like It Hoth) we had not seen or heard from Daniel Faraday since episode 5.05, This Place is Death. On island time, it has been a little over 3 years since Charlotte died and Daniel went rogue, what has he been up to during this time? The most interesting theory that I have heard on this was that he figured out how to get off of the island and has been working on construction "The Lampost" station with his mother, Eloise Hawking. I'm not entirely sure how the timeline falls here but a short time after Daniel returns to the island with the scientists we see him sort of sneaking around the construction site of "The Orchid." He appears to be up to no good, so I think that he is on some sort of side mission that doesn't include the Dharma Initiative.

4.) We have seen the backside of the four toed statue now. What is it a statue of and why is it no longer standing?
I have a previous post that goes fairly heavy into the speculation regarding the statue so I'll take it easy this time around. It's pretty clear that with all of the hieroglyphics that the statue is probably related to Ancient Egyptian civilizations. There are 3 Ancient Egyptian gods that are the front runners for statue possibilities, Anubis, Horus, and Taweret. Originally people, including me, jumped on the idea that the statue was Anubis who is one of the gods of the underworld. This fit with the theory of the island being some sort of purgatory. I don't like the idea of the island being some type of purgatory so the Anubis guess has lost its luster with me. Since then I have jumped on board the idea of the statue being that of Taweret. When you look at Anubis, depictions of him have really pointy ears and our statue does not at all. It was also talked about that the statues skirt was too long for it to be the skirt of an Egyptian man. Some of the physical features were also compared to that of a female. Taweret is depicted as a female hippopotamus and is also the goddess of motherhood. Very interesting with the child bearing problems that we have seen on the island. Maybe the destruction of the Taweret statue was what caused problems with child birth?

5.) This is the biggest question for me because I jumped all over this when it first came out. Who was the women in the background of the Dharma house with Sun, Frank, and Christian?
In episode 5.09, Namaste, we saw Frank and Sun head back to the main island and come across Christian Shephard who was apparently residing in Ben Linus' Dharma Home. When Christian was explaining to Sun that Jin and the other Losties were stuck back in 1977 we saw a whisp of smoke blow the door open and enter the home. The next scene right before it cuts back to 1977 and the Dharma Initiative picture taking we can see a woman on camera right over Sun's right shoulder. Many people have wrote this off as a production error where some set hand got caught in the background of a scene. I do not believe this. With all the attention that these guys pay to the small details I find it hard to believe that this was an error that just went unnoticed. Also when there is some sort of error like this (Charlotte's date of birth, the black smoke from the fuselage) the producers have gone out of their way to correct the error either through podcasts or written statement. To this point we have heard nothing from anyone official regarding this issue. This and the smoke that entered the room all leads me to believe that this figure was deliberate. So who is this woman? She may have been holding a baby, so my guess are Claire, Penny, or maybe Annie Ben's childhood friend. We have been told that Annie and her story will have a lot to do with the way that the series concludes. Hopefully someone will shed a little more light on this situation.

Open Ended Question: Where is Desmond and is he ultimately headed towards the island?

Have any thoughts on the open ended question? Do you have any other thoughts on my unanswered questions? Or any unanswered questions of your own? Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's topic. Just fill in the comment box at the end of each blog and let me know what you think! To read more posts and see my entire blog click the Touch 'Em All Productions header at the top of the page!


  1. AJ,

    To answer your question about Desmond, I wonder if he is off of the show? According to

    he was charged with sexual harassment ... I dunno!

  2. Kendall,

    I read about that the other day as well. The reason that this question still interests me is because this case seems like it has just happened. They've been done filming and writing the episodes for a while now so hopefully in the next few episodes we will learn what happened to Desmond and Penny since he beat the crap out of Ben. We'll see!
