Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Day In Sports - May 19th

1935 -- NFL adopts an annual college draft to begin in 1936.
1960 -- Juan Marichal debuts as San Francisco Giants pitcher, beats Phillies on one hitter.
1994 -- At 18, tennis star Jennifer Capriati checks into a drug rehab center.
*from si.com*

The Brett Favre saga continued yesterday as reports out of Minneapolis were saying that Favre was set to meet with Dr. James Andrews to discuss surgical options in preparation for surgery in the upcoming days. Ed Werder of ESPN is claiming his sources are telling him just the opposite and obviously since he works for ESPN people are believing him over Charlie Walters of the Pioneer Press. I know I'm not the only one who is getting a little bored with this saga that is Brett Favre. Since his consideration this yearly is solely targeting the Minnesota Vikings I will choose to give his drama a pass.

The Twins played well in New York this weekend yet came up empty handed. With Mauer and Morneau doing their part against the pinstripes the rest of the team greatly underperformed and we are in need of a shakeup in the lineup. In the last seven days Denard Span has 11 strikeouts and is batting just over .200 and Matt Tolbert is not doing much better. It's time to shake the lineup up a little bit Gardy. Throw Gomez back to the top spot for a few games this week, bump Span to the troublesome #2 slot, and bring Casilla back up to pair with Punto in the 8 & 9 spots to bring us back up to the top. I know that we've failed in trying Gomez in the lead off spot before but we need to do something to jump start our bats. Gomez went 2/5 on Sunday and 2/3 in yesterday's game. Maybe promoting him to the lead off spot will boost his confidence and get us some more speed on the bases before the big bats get up to the plate. The other problem that needs to be addressed is the bullpen. I'm not sure what sort of value someone like Delmon Young has on the trade market but we need to make a move to improve our setup pitching. In R.A. Dickey's only start he went 6 innings and held the opponent at bay. Throw Perkins or Blackburn in the bullpen for a little while and shake things up by bringing Dickey back into the rotation. That or call somebody up, but we need to do something and soon.

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