Saturday, March 14, 2009

American Idol 2009 - Lambert & Grace

American Idol 2009 Analysis, 3/14/2009 - Day 2
Now that I am fully encapsulated in this year's American Idol, thanks in part to my lovely wife and lovely mother, here is my analysis of the Top-13 remaining Contestants. Today's focus will be Adam Lambert and Alexis Grace.

Adam Lambert - San Fransisco, CA
Where do we begin with Adam Lambert? Adam clearly has acquired stage presence somewhere along the line as he seems to be right at home on the stage and in front of people. In fact, Adam has been working the stage since the age of 10 when he was cast in the role of Linus in the San Diego's Lyceum Theater's "You're a good man, Charlie Brown". A skill which he surely acquired from his experience in theater, Adam is very comfortable performing. This quality is sure to get him far in this competition. Along with his confidence Adam has a very good and very unique voice. If I had a nickle for every time that I've heard Randy, Paula, Simon, or Kara tell a contestant that they are forgettable, I would have a approximately $24.53! Mr. Lambert is anything but forgettable. His smooth voice seems to soothe the audience into a deep trance and then he blows them away with what can only be described as his signature "screech". At which moment all the little Emo girls around the world sprint to their computers and begin updating their MySpace and Facebook pages to say, "Adam Lambert...will you marry me?" In all seriousness, Adam has to be one of the favorites to win the competition at this juncture. He has a good voice, is very entertaining while on stage, and has the heart of all the Emo girls, Twilight fans, and Steven Tyler groupies in his hand. That noted, I have a hunch that there is some baggage that comes along with Adam that may come into the picture once the competition begins to heat up a little bit.

Alexis Grace - Memphis, TN
Alexis is the spunky little spitfire in this years competition. A stay at home mother, this four foot nothing pink haired momma has some soul to her. The first time we saw her on the show the judges were shocked that such a powerful and soulful voice could be coming out of such a small petite girl. Who would have thought that a reserved family girl from Memphis could come out and rock the stage with hits from Motley Crue, Aretha Franklin, and Michael Jackson? Since the early stages of the competition Alexis has been one of the judges favorites, but I am not yet convinced that the crowd and TV audience have embraced her in the same manner. Alexis has yet to engage the audience and get them up out of their seats. Most likely the victim of nerves and anxiety, she has to shake this. Once she gets a few more performances under her belt we will truly be able to judge the level of star power that Alexis truly possesses. Though she is not one of my personal favorites, I can possibly see a more polished and confident Alexis getting into the final five in this years competition.

Next Entries Feature - Allison Iraheta and Anoop Desai...stay tuned!

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