Thursday, March 19, 2009

LOST 009 | Namaste (2)

Namaste! I went back and watched last night's episode again and boy did I notice some new and very interesting things! Topics that will be covered include, the idea that Pierre Chang was time traveling from the very beginning, what's the scoop with the swan station, Chang's baby, and more on the ghostly figure in Christian's Dharma house.

We see Pierre Chang a couple of times again in this episode. We first see him checking Jack in at the table for the Dharma Initiative and again during the Welcome video. The screen cap to the left is taken from that video and there is something very interesting about this picture. Chang is wearing a Dharma jacket bearing the logo of "The Swan" station. Hmmm...we were lead to believe that at this point in 1977 the Swan station had not been built yet (we see Radzinsky building a model and making plans for the station in this episode). There are two possibilities here. This could be nothing more than a mistake that the costume department overlooked, but it is surprising that somebody did not catch this before it aired. One other possibility is that Pierre Chang had figured out the time traveling and it was his mistake that he was wearing the Swan jacket. And what's the deal with Chang's multiple aliases? We have seen him go by many different names Dr. Pierre Chang, Dr. Marvin Candle, Dr. Edgar Halliwax and Dr. Mark Wickmund? I think that this lends more information supporting the fact that he is time traveling. During each time travel expedition he needed to go by a different name to avoid being discovered (similar to Sawyer being LaFleur). There's also the mystery of who on the island his baby is? I think that it is Miles. Miles got his bloody nose shortly after Charlotte and before Juliet placing him on the island around the time that Chang's baby was born. It will be interesting if this is true and they figure it out and they meet each other?

What's the scoop with the Swan Station? This is any image of the model that Radzinsky was making at the Flame station. We know that the Swan station was originally built to study the electromagnetic tendencies of the island, but then "the incident" changed things and rendered the Swan station basically useless. I hope in the future we learn more about what sorts of things they were hoping to learn from their studies at the Swan. With it being the first station the survivors discovered and the fact that it keeps coming up in more episodes it must have been an important station initially.

After reading all about this rumored ghostly figure in the background of the Sun Dharma house scene, so I went back and re-watched it today. Holy crap, it's true! If you go back and watch online you can see a figure in the background look up and turn it's head. When Frank and Sun meet Christian in the Dharma neighborhood, the door seems to fling open and a sort of mist enters the house. A few seconds later you see the ghostly figure in the background. It's right before they flash back to the Dharma recruits taking the group picture (about the 35:00 mark online). I left the picture above a little larger than normal so that it would be easy to see. It also has an enhanced version of the circled image on the left side. We can't really be too sure on who the person is, but I feel safe saying that it is someone pretty important to the rest of the show! If you look carefully you can tell that the person has long hair. Also if you look at the length of the sleeve on the tshirt it is very short, most likely making this person a female. There are some who think that since Christian is present, the figure must be Claire. I don't agree with this. From what we can see of the figure she/it has either a brown or red tone to their hair. Claire was a bleach blonde which this person certainly is not. Personally I think that the figure could be Annie, Ben Linus's childhood friend.

Annie was Ben's childhood friend who gave him a carved doll for his birthday after his father forgot that it was his birthday. It is unknown what happened to Annie after this event. However on the Season 3 DVD special features Damon Lindelhof and Carlton Cuse describe Annie as "a character that is going to play a "huge part" in upcoming story lines: "Annie is going to prove to be very significant in Ben's life," and that even the island's volcano will be "slightly less important than Annie, but still seismic." To date we have not seen anything else regarding Annie, so her story line is yet to come.

Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's topics. Just click the comment button at the end of each blog and let me know what you think!


  1. AJ,

    Thanks once again for the great insight on this weeks episode! It was a very good episode this week. I, as well as the friends I watch LOST with, thought that the ghostly figure was Claire too, but now since reading your post, I believe it to be Annie, Ben's childhood friend. That makes total sense, especially since she is supposed to have a huge role within this season. One question that I have though is, where is the fortune telling lady that was in present day that told them the plane number and everything before they left back to the island? I heard that she was supposed to play a huge role, and we haven't seen her much at all since then...
    Also, I think that you are right with the doctor, I think he very well could be Miles' father, great prediction!

  2. Kendall,
    They have said that we will see Eloise Hawking again however I think that when we see her it will be the Eloise Hawking that was once on the island. In the episode titled "Jughead" Farraday is taken to inspect the Atomic Bomb by a gal named Ellie. I think that Ellie is Eloise Hawking. So as the directors say that she will play a big role in the future of the show, I'm gonna guess that they are referring to a younger Eloise Hawking, Ellie, back in the 1950's or so. I read somewhere that in the next few episodes we will see young Charles Widmore again, and I bet we see Ellie at this time also.

  3. AJ,

    Ohhh okay. That sounds about right! I can't wait to see the next episode tomorrow!
