Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lost: Episode 5x08 LeFleur

So we got to see what is presumably the four toed statue tonight...i know it was a quick glimpse but it was totally awesome! I did some research afterwords and discovered something a little unusual. This is what we saw...

Trying to figure out what it was I googled "egyptian Jackyl" and it brought me to stuff about Anubis, the Egyptian god of mummification and the underworld. So I googled some more pics of him and this is what I found.

In all the pictures I can find of him he is holding this cross with a loop at the top item, which was the same item that Paul, Amy's dead husband was wearing around his neck and which Horrace found in her drawer. It also appears that the four toed stature is holding this item in his right hand.

This symbol thing is called an "ANCH" or "ANKH". It's hard to find a ton of info on this but it appears to be the symbol of enduring life. It was laid on the face of mummies to breath the breath of life into them.

It is also said that the wakening of the dead was a function of Anubis (Christian Shepperd, John Locke?). Maybe there is a little more to this Egyptian culture on the island this than we thought? However I am not sure what the significance is that Paul, the dead husband, had it around his neck?

I know that I am obsessed but oh well!

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