Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lunch For Three - Day 9

Nooma 009|Bullhorn
"God loves everyone, so a Christian should, too. In fact, Jesus said that the most important thing in life is to love God with everything we've got and love others the same way. But it's not always easy to love everyone around us, is it? Sometimes we strongly disagree with other people's political views, religious beliefs, behaviors, or something else, and it makes it hard to love them when we feel like we're right and they're very wrong. But Jesus doesn't separate loving God and loving others. So maybe the best way for us to show our love for God is actually by loving other people no matter how hard it sometimes is. Maybe it's the only way." NOOMAtube

What are you're feelings about Bullhorn guy from the video? Do agree with his method of evangelism? Unfortunately you are "painted with the same brush" as bullhorn guy. Non-believers see bullhorn guy and they are turned off by his actions, by his tone, and by his decisions, thus turned off by Christianity. The news that he is spreading does not seem like good news. But bullhorn guy is not the only person that is giving Christianity a bad name. In our own way, you and I are doing the same amount of damage to our faith as bullhorn guy. You and I stumble and you and I sin, and when non-believers see us do these things they frown upon Christians. In this way we set Christianity back just as much as bullhorn guy did on the street corner.

God's message to the world is a message of Love. It is a message that our world is screwing up. Our world is full of hate and war, yet we are called to love our enemies, we are called to love non-believers, and we are called to love bullhorn guy. "A Christian is somebody that understands that all people are to be loved and respected because they are created by God" (Rob Bell). God loves everybody! God loves, atheists, democrats, republicans, terrorists, and child molesters. We can't even find it in ourselves to love the people who talked smack about us in Junior High? What kind of example are we setting to people who do not believe or to people who are just starting to believe? When we reach out to our enemies and love them, something powerful happens, God works through this love. Showing love is commonly perceived as a touchy feely relationship. The love that God calls us for is not always like that. Sometimes people just need someone to listen to them, to listen to their concerns and their pain. Jesus tells us that when we look out for each other, He too is there.

There are many negative stereotypes against Christians and they are not all because of bullhorn guy. Realize that we are all responsible for the way that Christianity is perceived in our world today. So with this knowledge I ask this question...What are you doing to change this perception? Are you loving your enemies? Are you helping the needy? Are you loving your neighbor as you love yourself?

"So may you see that how you love others is how you love God. That's it, that's the way of love, that's the way of Jesus." - Rob Bell

Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's topic. Just click the comment button at the end of each blog and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. "There are many negative stereotypes against Christians and they are not all because of bullhorn guy. Realize that we are all responsible for the way that Christianity is perceived in our world today. So with this knowledge I ask this question...What are you doing to change this perception? Are you loving your enemies? Are you helping the needy? Are you loving your neighbor as you love yourself?"

    ...i love this part.
    for whatever the reason, through others or through ourselves, the world automatically bestows this negative stereotype upon Christians. we can sit and complain that it's wrong and inaccurate all we want, but what good does that do? does the complaining or explaining make any sort of difference at all? no.
    rather than complaining, we should be living our lives in a way that completely debunks that stereotype, as you said.
    this doesn't mean we should drown in shame every time we do something to feed the stereotype, but instead, do what we can to move love.

    thank you for speaking truth into my life once again today, brother! :)
