Friday, March 27, 2009

Idol Results Show Reaction 3/27

Idol Results Show Reaction 3/27
All right, was I the only one who noticed that the group performance at the beginning of the show was not only lip-synced but completely pre-recorded? I'm not sure if they were really trying to fool us, but if they were it was an awful job of editing. First off there was no band upstairs? So where was the music coming from? Next we started to notice that the performers had not necessarily nailed down the whole lip-syncing thing. Lil Rounds specifically should never try to lip-sync again. You could tell that the voices were too pure and previously recorded. One other strangely interesting piece was the cameras were very careful never to show the crowd, probably because they were full of empty seats. Also when the entire group got together and formed the "flying V" the camera would cut to a close up of Adam Lambert who was right at the microphone holding the stand sideways, they would instantly cut away and Adam was no longer holding the stand and no longer near a microphone? I'm not as upset at the fact that they are lip-syncing, I'm more upset that it was so horribly edited and they still tried to pull one over on us. It was just kind of weird and extremely poorly edited, shame on you American Idol video editors and producers. I hope you weren't really trying to fool anybody. Click here for an Entertainment Weekly article that also highlights this error.

Back to the results. Again I went 2 for 3 on my bottom 3, but the one I got wrong was a shocker, Matt Giraud! This has convinced me that the show is a little produced for more suspense. There is no way after his last performance that Matt was really in the bottom three. I think that the producers decided to include him in the bottom three and subsequently bottom two, just to add more suspense to the already dragged out results show. However there is no way that we can really figure this out, since they don't publicly release the results of the vote (another frustration of mine). Ultimately Michael was sent packing as predicted. It was a little emotional as Michael seemed to know that he didn't really have the following of voters the others did. Tears were shed and I actually felt bad for the guy, he seems like a really sweet cool guy! He'll go places in life!

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