Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LOST 009 | Namaste

LOST 009 | Namaste
**Attention! This post does contain spoilers! If you have not yet watched the episode and are planning on it, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, or this post!**

After the longest two weeks of my life LOST made its triumphant return tonight. And what an episode it was! Beginning in a flashback, we get to witness the Ajira 316 airplane crash from the perspective of those who stayed on the plane and crashed in 2007. We saw Ben get his butt whooped, 3 of the Oceanic six get accepted into the Dharma Initiative, and we got to see 11 year old Ben Linus! As always we did have some questions answered but at the same time new ones came to light.

We finally were told who the Amy's baby was. She decided to name the baby Ethan! Yeah the same Ethan that kidnapped Claire and tried to kill Charlie. I'm not sure if we knew that he was born on the island, but because of the timing of Dharma initiative we were sort of able to figure out the baby may be Ethan. But this raises another question. A little while down the line when young Ben Linus goes through with "the purge" and wipes out Dharma as we know it, what's the deal with Ethan? He obviously didn't die from the gas that was released. Because he was born on the island is he "special" enough that the hostiles spared his life and adopted him in as one of them? Maybe we'll be able to find out where he got his super human strength from (he did single handedly kidnap two full grown adults and strung Charlie up by his neck). We'll see where this goes...

We also found out that in the three years that those left on the island were living in with Dharma, Farraday abandoned ship and decided to go rogue? I can't imagine that even someone as smart as Farraday would just go off on his own, so maybe he joined up with the hostiles, or maybe he really is off on his own mission to save Charlotte from ever coming back to the island? More to come on Farraday's future plans below...

Back in 2007 we saw Sun and Frank return to the main island, they see what has to be the smoke monster, and then head straight into the jungle and back to the Dharma homes where they run into none other than Christian Shephard. Now people are saying that when they walked into the dark house there was a figure leaning against a table in the background. When the camera changes to Frank and Sun the figure, now in mist form, seems to flow out the creaking door. Interesting...I did not see this so I will have to watch it back. However when Christian was describing to Sun that Jin was actually back in 1977, he told them that they have quite the trip ahead of them. Sounds like somehow they are going to go back to 1977 to meet up with the other flight 815 survivors.

Last but not least we saw a Dharma security post man at the Flame working on a model for the Swan station. The Swan station, better known as "the hatch" which Boone and Locke discovered in season 1, seemed to be some sort of a secret project that Dharma was working on at the time. Maybe the plan was to construct this station in the territory of the hostiles? One prediction that I feel pretty confident making is that we are going to get to witness "the incident" in this season's finale. The same "incident" that Dr. Marvin Candle refers to in the spliced Swan orientation video. From what we know about the incident, it was an electromagnetic anomaly that caused a catastrophic occurrence in the early days of Dharma. This occurrence resulted in the protocol of the Swan, having to put in the numbers every 108 minutes. My thoughts are that, the very first scene that we saw in this season, when Farraday was down in the construction site of the Orchid, will come up again, most likely in the finale. Farraday will do something, either in an attempt to save Charlotte or get back to the future, to sabotage the stations and will actually cause the the "the Incident." With this thought, I am led to believe that the Swan station was probably meant to be used for something more important than just pushing a button every 108 minutes. And that the need to push the button every 108 minutes resulted from Farraday's actions and needs to be done to prevent another Incident from happening, making the Swan station useless for what it's original purpose may have been. None of this is proven, just my theory. Any thoughts? Just click the comment button at the end of each blog and let me know what you think!

At any rate, LOST is back with a bang tonight and the preview for next weeks episode, although it didn't show much, looks to be a good one, someone starts a fire!

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