Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Family Life Conference

Family Life Conference 2009
My apologies for my absence over the weekend and yesterday. Yesterday was a little rough at work and I was super busy updating the websites, thus no lunch break. And as I mentioned on Friday, Abby and I spent the weekend downtown at the Family Life Conference. The weekend was great! The conference brings in pastors and relationship/family experts from around the country. Our speakers were Bobby Conway from North Carolina and Tim from Arizona. It was obvious that both men had been keynote speakers at these conferences before and they were wonderful.

The whole weekend took a look at different aspects of marriage. Why marriages fail, where they struggle, and how to avoid the way of the world. Most of the weekend we were together with each other, but on Sunday morning the crowd was split into men's and women's specific conversations about being a good husband being a good father. It was a busy a long weekend, but I am so glad that we were able to go! Special thanks the Randy and Lisa
Roehl and "the LaLas" for sending us!

Even if you have a good marriage I encourage you to attend a Family Life conference sometime. Click here to visit the Family Life website!

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