Tuesday, March 24, 2009

LOST - Overall Theory

This is a theory that was posted on a message board that I frequent that makes some sense. I'm not saying I believe it completely but it's very interesting none the less. Posted on rubechat.kfan.com in "***LOST season 5***" thread by THOR...

After reading the latest Vozzek69 article on the DarkUFO website, I'm putting together a theory of what's going on, at least partially.

It's possible that there are all kinds of time travellers skipping along from other times. That could explain the whispers. You can hear them when a time skip happens. Somehow, though, I think Harper and Walt are different than just time skipping. Harper travelled to that time on purpose and then disappeared just as quickly.

Vozzek talks about the rain and thinks it signals a time skip. I've noticed the rain throughout the series. It always seems to happen when something BIG happens. OK, I can go along with it signalling a time skip, but WHY would it happen every time there is a time skip? It's sunny and then all of a sudden it's raining. Maybe the rain has somehow time skipped from another time... I don't know... it's not clear to me why it's raining.

Also interesting, but he didn't note it, is the fact that it's a sunny day in L.A. when Jack and Kate follow the lawyer. They get to the hotel and all of a sudden, it's pouring cats and dogs! That's just too much of a coincidence for me, but for now, I can only note that it happened. I don't know what it means. If Vozzek is right and it has to do with time skipping, why would it happen in L.A.? Would that be to signal that Kate has changed her mind and will be going back to the island? Maybe it doesn't just indicate a time skip, but that a timeline has changed.

OK, getting back to the whispers. Let's say he's right about the whispers and they are all people who have been on the island and have been skipping through time. Every time the donkey wheel has been turned in the past, the people on the island have started time skipping. This gets to why the show is called "LOST". The people are... lost... skipping through time on the island. Jacob is one of these people. He's been lost skipping through time on the island for a LONG time. Remember how he said to Locke, "Help me"? He's been trying to contact someone who can stop the time skipping. For that matter, he's been bringing people to the island that can potentially stop the skipping. It's why the Others are looking for someone special. They are people who have the ability to hear Jacob. Richard doesn't have that ability. He's an original inhabitant of the island, as are his group of Others, but they cannot communicate with Jacob directly. They need people like Ben and Locke to do that. The reason Richard and the Others don't age is that they are with the island, stuck in time. They are not skipping through time, but STUCK in the same time. Richard doesn't have birthdays because he's stuck at the same age, and has been ever since the island started skipping. (I can't remember who it was in this thread that brought this up, but they're the one that gave me the idea of this. I still don't know if I buy it, but how else can you explain Richard not aging?) It's possible that Jacob was originally an Other, too. Maybe he got caught in a time skip. The Others maybe think he is a martyr or savior. Remember the sign that said, "God loves you as he loved Jacob". Maybe they think he died, but since he's still able to communicate with some people, they have made him out to be a god, when in actuality, he's time skipping and can't stop. He needs help to get back to his people.

Oh, and as far as how the island brings people to the island, that's where people like Ms. Hawking and the monk come into play. They were sent out by Richard to make sure certain people end up on the island. How do they know they're supposed to end up on the island? Because they've met them during all of the time skipping they've been doing. Jacob, Richard... whoever... knows that ONE of these people will stop the island skipping, but aren't sure who. Faraday mentions that Desmond is unique, so maybe he is the one that will be successful in stopping the time skipping. Maybe it's a certain combination of people that will be needed (the O6). Also, since Eloise and Widmore have been off the island, they've been aging. If they'd have stayed on the island with Richard, they'd have remained young.

The Looking Glass may have been set up to jam signals from the island to keep Widmore from finding it again. He has his own selfish reasons for wanting to get back to the island, or maybe he was booted off the island because of something he did. Or, more likely, he had to turn the donkey wheel and, as Ben had said, he's not supposed to be able to go back. He's been trying, though, and Jacob instructed Ben to jam the signals so Widmore couldn't find the island again.

If Jacob is not an Other, he could be one of our lostaways. I would like it if it turned out to be Locke or Jack.

Remember Adam and Eve from season 1? I think it'll be key who they are, too. My money has always been on Jack and Kate. It could be Desmond and Penny, too. Whoever it is, I'll bet they are the ones who successfully stop the island's skipping. They live out their life on the island and die in that cave. Or, maybe they die in that cave doing whatever it is that stops the island from skipping and saves everyone who has been skipping through time. They release all the people from the hell of living through the time skipping.

Oh, one thing that has always bothered me is how that Dharma plane dropped supplies on the island. This island is so hard to find, so how could that plane have found the island to make a drop now? WHY would it still be dropping supplies there after all these years, especially since Dharma was purged years ago. The answer... the plane is skipping through time. It just so happened that on one of the skips, it dropped it's cargo right where our lostaways could find them. How convenient!

OK, there are holes in this theory and things it doesn't explain, but I think it's because we don't have enough information yet. I don't know how Christian and Claire have been appearing. I am assuming that Claire has died and that is why she is with Christian, but the only way they'd fall under this theory is if they were skipping through time, which could possibly mean an alternate timeline. I don't like the idea of an alternate timeline. Also, this theory does nothing to explain Smokey. Again, I don't think we have enough info to figure out what it would be. Well, this is long enough. It's just a theory, so do with it what you will!

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