Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lunch For Three - 3/17/2009

Devotion - [di-voh-shuhn] noun - profound dedication. Devotions have proved to be one the toughest things for me to get a handle on during my walk with Christ. Though I have devoted my life to Christ, I know that I have room to grow and things to learn about my faith and about my Saviour. In an effort to make devotions part of my everyday life I have been researching ways to make new habits stick. Some of the tricks to finding success in my venture include...

  • Commit to Thirty Days
  • Make It Daily
  • Remind Yourself
  • Write it Down
  • Get a Buddy
  • Run It As An Experiment
In hopes to have this habit stick I'm going to be starting a series of devotions that I'm going to call "Lunch For Three". I even created a logo for it! Instead of wasting my lunch hour watching dumb Internet videos or surfing Facebook, I am going to use that time to unwind and hang out with the Lord. I will also be posting my thoughts and reactions to the days devotion here on my blog. Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's lesson. Just click the comment button at the end of each blog and let me know what you think! We'll start this as an experiment for the next 30 days and see where it goes from there!

I am going to start with a series of videos called Nooma. They are created by a man named Rob Bell. They are very well done and really relate to our everyday lives. They really make you think. There are workbooks that go along with the videos that I will pull questions from as well.

1 comment:

  1. this is such a cool idea...i'm so glad you're doing it :)
