Thursday, March 12, 2009

American Idol 2009

Being a typical American, I have found myself getting drawn into certain popular TV shows. 24, LOST, and CSI are among my favorites. It wasn't until last year that my newest television obsession decided to grasp my attention. I was living at home after graduating from college and I completely blame my mom. She has been and is obsessed with American Idol. It is now safe to say that it has rubbed off on me, her son. I am a fan, I enjoy watching it and formulating opinions on the contestants. So I'll check my man card at the door and you can add me to the millions of people who regularly schedule there week around Simon, Paula, Randy, and now Kara!

Throughout the next week or so I will highlight two contestants a day and formulate my opinions on their skills, their chance to win, and what they add to the show. Along with some random tidbits of information about the show itself.

Stay tuned!

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