Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lunch For Three - Day 8

Nooma 008|Dust
"Believing in God is important, but what about God believing in us? Believing that we can actually be the kind of people we were meant to be. People of love, compassion, peace, forgiveness, and hope. People who try to do the right thing all of the time. Who act on the endless opportunities around us every day for good, beauty, and truth. It's easy for us to sometimes get down on ourselves. To feel "not good enough" or feel like we don't have what it takes. But maybe if we had more insight into the culture that Jesus grew up in and some of the radical things he did, we'd understand the faith that God has in all of us." NOOMAtube

In dissecting the scripture Rob starts this video out by deducting that Jesus' disciples were normal people. Because they were learning the trades of their fathers, they had not been the best of the best and were not chosen to follow a rabbi. They were the JV-team, average joes. They were just normal like you and I. Jesus present to us this message of faith that is for us, for the B-squad. Just like the disciples that follow the Rabbi's, Jesus calls for us to be "covered in the Dust of our Rabbi." To live our lives so closely to His, in hopes that we can one day be doing what he does.

During the mid 90's a fad swept across our nation. This fad was shared between those who fully lived their lives for Christ and those who did not. This fad outlived Pogs, Tamagochi's, and Furby's. It caused most of the nation to wear these silly multicolored bracelets. The hope was to remind us whenever we see it to think, "What Would Jesus Do." Churches encouraged children and adults alike to wear these bracelets as a statement of their faith and a subtle reminder to think twice before acting, to think to themselves, "Would Jesus do this?" These bracelets were encouraging us to live like Jesus, to be a disciple of Jesus, to be covered in the dust of our rabbi.

But how can I, a fallen being, even begin to compare with my sinless perfect saviour? Just like when Peter walked on water to meet Jesus, he lost faith and began to sink. But he didn't lose faith in Jesus, he could see that Jesus was able to walk on water. He lost faith in himself and thought there was no way that me, a fisherman, can walk on water. But we can be reassured. Not only do we have faith in Jesus, but he has faith in us! He believes that we can succeed and lead a life devoted to being like Him. Knowing that should give you some major confidence, knowing that the creator of the universe believes in you!

"May you believe in God. But may you come to see that God believes in you. May you have faith in Jesus. But may you come to see that Jesus has faith that you can be like him. A person of Love and compassion and truth. A person of forgiveness, and peace, and grace, and joy, and hope. And may you be covered in the dust of your rabbi, Jesus." Rob Bell

Please, if you are interested I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts. I would love to get some feedback and hear what each of you took from the day's topic. Just click the comment button at the end of each blog and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. brother!
    this spoke so much truth to me today!
    how often do we, mere humans, doubt our capabilities of living for God? EVERY DAY!
    it is so refreshing to hear a message like this...that even when we don't believe in ourselves, Jesus believes in us.
    and i think it safe to say that He has judgment that we can trust!

    love you :)
